Boelus, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering what is the Population & Steets in Boalus City. Using this map, you can find out. It is quite similar to the population maps of the city of Boaz, which shows a low crime rate. In addition, it shows that the east parts of Boelus are generally safer than the north part. In general, there are no violent crimes in the city, but the crime rate in the north is higher than the east.

The population of Boelus city is around 506 households, with 175 households earning $10k - $50,000. Another 169 households earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year. Approximately 68 households are wartime veterans, which is higher than the state average of 5.7%. For the rest of the US, the percentage of wartime veterans is 5.3%. The average age of a Boelus city resident is 45 years.

The average temperature in Howard (Boelus) is about 50Fdeg. Snow covers the ground 47 days a year. A good way to understand yearly rainfall is to take 5 consecutive days of moderate rain. Humidity in Boelus is below 60% for 56.9% of the year. As you can see, the climate of the city will influence how you feel about living there.