Carleton, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Carlton City, MI is very interesting. Depending on your point of view, this city has a high population density, but it's also very poor. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is higher than what you'd expect. The city is comprised of mostly White residents, though there are also Black and Two Or More residents. The unemployment rate is very low, at only 2.38%.

According to the census, the population of Carlton was 2000. That's just under eight hundred people per square mile. The estimated population will be two thousand and eighty-three in 2020. The city was established 123 years ago, in 1898. However, it's still growing quickly and has seen the birth of several new families in recent years. Listed below are some demographics of the city.

In 2010, the village's population was 2,345 people. The majority of residents spoke only English, while 12.3% of the people lived in French. Several rural areas of Carleton are located within this municipality. Listed below are some statistics about the residents of Carleton. They include age, race, and religion. The population is evenly distributed throughout the city, with the majority of people living in residential areas.