Gothenburg, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Gothenburg City are important to understand if you plan to visit the area. The city has a relatively high standard of living, and the surrounding nature is gorgeous. Gothenburg's waterfront area is filled with rocky shoreline, calm lakes, and surging seas to the west. You can expect to find many artists, musicians, and designers in the area.

The city is a large immigrant community, with about 93,965 people of foreign descent living in Gothenburg. This represents 20 percent of the city's population. Iranians make up 10% of the city's population, and Finland has 9%. Many of the immigrant communities are concentrated in Angered, Bergsjon, and Hjallbo. Other ethnic groups are concentrated in Hammarkullen, and there are many immigrants from the Middle East. The Swedish Integration Board has criticized the segregation in Gothenburg.

The city's steets and populations are shaped by the development of the city's industries. In the 18th century, the city was a thriving fishing community, but the Swedish East India Company stepped in to change the city's fortunes. This led to lucrative commercial expeditions to China, and the city's population expanded from 13,000 to over one hundred thousand by 1900. By the 20th century, the city developed into an industrial hub, with the development of major companies such as SKF (est. 1907) and AB Ingelsen (est. 1872).

A map of Gothenburg's public transportation is useful for planning your trip to the city. Public transport in Gothenburg is slow, but express buses are fast. Walking from one stop to the next can save you valuable minutes. The city is served by several bus and tram stations, divided into smaller hubs. Taking public transportation in Gothenburg can also be an easy way to get around. The city has many tram lines, and most are located within the city center.