Nemaha, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Nemeha City is a useful tool to find out more about a city. In this article we will cover how to access population data for Nemaha. The data is provided in raw head count form and shows the population density per square mile. To learn more about the sources of this data, visit our About Page. This article also includes information about the local schools.

The percentage of the population that earns a living in rental housing is called the rent burden. This measure is useful because it indicates whether a city has an affordable rental housing market. The rent burden in Nemaha is higher than the state average of 27.0%; it is lower than the 30.8% found in neighboring Humboldt and Clearmont. In Nemaha City, 13.1% of households are renters.

In Nemaha County, NE, the median household income is $51,828. The median age for residents is 39.2 years. The median income is also $51,828. This figure is higher than the national average of $51,628, which is $51,300. Nemaha County is home to more than 67,000 people and 99.2% are citizens of the U.S.

Nemaha County is divided into twenty townships. Sabetha and Seneca are governmentally independent and are excluded from the township's population total. The townships in Nemaha County are characterized by their main city. The population center is the largest city included in the township's total. The list of authors can be found on the page's history.