Pawnee City, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've been looking for the population and steets in Pawnee City, Nebraska, you have come to the right place. Our city's demographics will give you a glimpse into the city's history and current population. This demographic information can help you get a feel for the city's economic health.

The median age of residents in Pawnee City, NE, is 48 years old. This is true for both native and foreign-born residents. However, some residents may work in other locations as well. That's because Census data is tagged with a residential address.

The median age of the population was 52.9 years old. The average household income was $23,573. The median family income was $32,714. The median household income of males was $25,489, while the median income of females was $18,500. The per capita income was $17,386. Nearly 90 percent of Pawnee City, NE residents have health insurance. Of these, 37% have employer-provided health plans. The rest have Medicare or Medicaid. And 1.49% have military or VA coverage.

The following is a list of ZIP codes for the city of Pawnee City. The city's ZIP code is 68420. It is also part of the USPS city name system. A city's default name is its city name. The city's population is listed in the United States and is projected to increase by 1.16% by 2020. The zip code is also listed on the Museum page of the city's website.