Shubert, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking about moving to Shubert City, Nebraska, you'll want to know the population & steets. Below, you'll find the most recent population & steets data. If you're not sure which census data you should trust, you can always turn to CityTownInfo to find out. If you need to know the population of Shubert, Nebraska, you can use our census data to find out which area is most populous.

If you're thinking about moving to Shubert City, you'll want to find out the population & steets data for the closest nearby cities. Listed below are some cities that are close to Shubert, NE, and the average distance between each city. When comparing different cities, keep in mind the size of each city. Smaller cities often have more population, so they're a better option if you're planning a road trip.

The city of Shubert is in Richardson County, Nebraska. The zip code for Shubert is 68437, which is also known as Shubert. Those who live in Shubert often use the name of the city for mail. The official USPS zip code for Shubert is SHUBERT, NE. Using the zip code, you can copy your mail in the following format. You can also search for a phone number that matches the zip code of the city.