Staplehurst, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered what the Population & Steets of Staplehurst City are? Staplehurst is a village located in Seward County, Nebraska. The population of Staplehurst was 242 at the 2010 census. You may be interested in the other towns and cities located in the nearby area. You can use the search box above to find cities within 100 miles, 50 miles, and even 30 miles from Staplehurst.

Despite the relatively low percentage of residents with college degrees, there are several indicators that indicate that Staplehurst is an educated neighborhood. The median age of residents was forty years old, and nearly half of them were born outside the United States. The remaining fifty percent of residents hailed from Western, Northern, or Eastern Europe. About one-fourth of residents were non-families, and twenty-four percent of households were composed of single people. A higher percentage of residents had a graduate degree than the national average, and their household size was 2.50.

The city is primarily white, with a very high proportion of people in their 20s and early 40s. There are many families and single parents, and there are a relatively small number of children under the age of 18. As a result, the area's population density is slightly below average. The area's school system is not widely known for its high standards of education, but there are several private schools in the city.