Thurston, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for information on Thurston City, WA, you may want to know its population and steets. There are 539 residents in Thurston. The median household income in Thurston City is $32,614; however, the poverty rate is higher than the state average. The following table provides a summary of the county's economic data. To find out more about the city, visit its official website or explore its map.

As a general guide, these numbers can be very helpful in determining whether or not Thurston is an affordable city to live in. For example, if the city has a high percentage of renters, it's likely that housing affordability is an issue. Evictions are a symptom of an economy that's getting worse. The city's rent burden is higher than the state average of 29.5%, and it's higher than those in neighboring communities such as Lockbourne, Ohio, and Corning, NY.

The population of Thurston City is growing rapidly. In 2010, the county's median household income was $36,375, with males earning $29,792 and females earning $20,909, respectively. The per capita income was $13,725 in 2010. The county's economy is highly dependent on government jobs, accounting for 33.0% of all nonfarm employment in Thurston City in 2021. Meanwhile, private-sector employment increased by 28.4 percent.