Uehling, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Uehling, Nebraska are estimated at 216 people. It is more expensive than the national average, with median home values of $104,400. The home appreciation over the last decade is 8.6%. You may want to check out housing prices in Uehling before deciding to buy a home there. Below are some key statistics you should know about this area.

The Crime Grade map below shows the safest areas of Uehling, as well as the dangerous areas. It also shows crime rates by type and severity. For example, a city with a C-grade crime rate has higher rates than the national average. In this case, Uehling is 38th percentile safe compared to its neighboring cities. Likewise, an area with a B grade crime rate is 62% safer than Uehling.

The population of Uehling, NE is 271 people. Of this, 94.8% are U.S. citizens. The median home value in Uehling is $87,900. Homeownership rate in Uehling is 73.2%, which is higher than the national average. People in Uehling, NE drive to work on average for 22.2 minutes. The median age of Uehling residents is 46.7 years old, with 48.1% of people being male.