Venango, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Venango City, Pennsylvania, population is just 141. It has a median household income of $53,000. The eviction rate is 0%, which is lower than the national average. Here is the complete population and steets data for Venango City. For a more detailed breakdown, you can refer to the ESRI database. In Venango, the median household income is $53,000, which is well below the state average.

This county is located in Northwestern Pennsylvania. It has a population of 50328. Its time zone is Eastern Daylight Time, which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. Venango County is also part of the Oil City, PA Micropolitan Statistical Area. There are numerous tourist attractions in this county. Venango City is just a short drive from Pittsburgh. The area is also within the Pittsburgh, PA media market.

The median property value in Venango City, Pennsylvania is $79,600. This is less than the national average of $102,400, but it is still higher than the state average of $45,500. Venango, PA is also a very affordable place to live. The median household income in the city is $78,900, which is higher than the national average of $51,600. In addition, Venango, PA is home to 76.4% of the population, indicating a higher than average homeownership rate. The median commute time for residents of Venango is 21.9 minutes. Median car ownership is equal to the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.

Employment in Venango, PA has decreased by 7.41% from last year to 2019, but the percentage of working-age residents who own a car is low. The largest percentage of households in this city own two cars. The other percentages of households are either unemployed or have two jobs. There are several health care providers in Venango City, PA. The city has a wide range of social services, including counseling and child care.