Verdon, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are a homebuyer in Verdon, you should know the population & steets statistics. You can use this information to determine the value of your home. Verdon is a smaller city than other nearby towns, which makes it easy to find the correct house for your needs. Verdon's median home price is $44,700. Verdon's population is made up of primarily renter-occupied housing.

Verdon is a city located in Marne department, Champagne-Ardenne region, in the state of Nebraska. Its zip code is 51210 and the INSEE code is 51607. The median household income is $41,429, which is lower than the national average. Verdon's mayor is Pascal LAURENT, who was born on the 12th of December 1961.

Verdon is located in Marne county, South Dakota. The city's ZIP code is 68457, but it is sometimes used for other towns in the area. For example, there are sections of Verdon, which are called "Verdon". The city has several acceptable names. The "Not Acceptable" name is a nickname given to the city by its residents. The USPS does not accept mail using "Not Acceptable" names.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Verdon is 211 people. It is impossible to know the exact number of people living in Verdon, NE, but it is expected to reach 237 by 2020. The median gross rent is $383 per month. If you're planning to buy a home in Verdon, you should know the population before making a purchase decision. If you're not sure about the property you'd like to purchase, we recommend you look at the neighborhood's affordability index.