Bunkerville, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Compared to other American cities, Bunkerville City has a high carpooling rate. In fact, Bunkerville is one of the few cities in the United States that has a higher percentage of cars than residents. Here are the population and steets of Bunkerville City. These numbers are provided by the Census Bureau and ESRI. You can find out what the population of Bunkerville City looks like in other cities by following the link below.

While 98.4% of neighborhoods in the U.S. have a lower vacancy rate, Bunkerville is significantly less crowded. The area is home to five people per square mile, making Bunkerville much less crowded than 98.4% of other cities. Bunkerville is home to a wide variety of housing options, with a high percentage of older homes. Those who live in Bunkerville may want to consider purchasing one of these older homes.

The median age of the population of Bunkerville City is 28 years old. Among native-born residents, this number is the highest. Non-residents have the lowest poverty rate (N/A%) of any race. Moreover, Bunkerville City's poverty rate is lowest among full-time residents, while it is 6.33% among non-workers. Males are more likely to get married than women, and those 45-54 years old are less likely to have a partner.