Interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in Hawethorne City? Take our free survey! In just a few minutes, you'll get the latest information on this fast-growing California city. Hawthorne is 13.8% larger than the California state average. Take our quick survey to see how the residents of Hawthorne rate their quality of life.
A quick look at the population of Hawthorne City, CA, reveals that the median household income is $45,712, which is lower than the metro area average. Only 5.5% of the population is living below the poverty line. Those aged 25 and older reported having completed at least high school and 37.7% had a bachelor's degree. The average resident (16 years old) commuted 26 minutes to work daily.
The map above shows the percentage of the population of Hawthorne by race and age. The city has the lowest percentage of Asians, and the highest proportion of Africans. The city ranks first for foreign-born residents, according to the data from the US Census Bureau. But the percentage of people under twenty is the lowest. You can also see the percentage of foreign-born people by continent in Hawthorne.
The ethnic composition of the population of Hawthorne is diverse. It is more Hispanic or Latino (59.1%) than Black or African American (20.7%) than any other California city. It also has a higher percentage of people who are under twenty-five. The city has a shared vision for the future. You can find the median household income in Hawthorne by examining the chart below.