Lund, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets in Lund City? This map provides important information, including the location and population of the city. If you want to explore the city, visit the website of the Swedish municipality. You can also find useful statistics, including the median age and gender. Also, find out the locality's eviction rate, based on the Census' definition. It's important to note that statistics for a particular city may vary from those of other cities, but in general, the information provided is comparable.

Lund has a population of 85,000, nearly half of which are students. It's a safe place for tourists to walk home at night. While there are a few rowdy groups of drunks in the streets, they are not likely to harm any strangers. Most of these groups are students, and are polite, which makes them even safer. However, bicycle theft is rampant in Lund, so be sure to lock up your bicycle when not in use.

Lund has four main city squares, connected by passages and roads. These represent the heart of the city. The central square is known as Martenstorget, and is home to several shops, restaurants, and a market. The square is also the location of the city's central train station. While the squares are connected by a railway, Lund's cathedral is situated on Bantorget. The city hall and Lund's cathedral are located in the central part of the city.