Minden, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Minden, Minnesota, is located in the state of Minnesota. Its population is approximately 11200. Its population is made up of four districts: B, C, D, and E. The city council meets every 10 years to redistrict the city's district boundaries. The changes in population in Minden City can be traced back to the 2000 census. The following is a look at the city's demographics.

The violent crime rate in Minden City is 1.81 per thousand people in a standard year. The city is considered safest in the southeast, while the northwest part of Minden City has higher violent crime rates. Compared to the southeast, there is an estimated one in 701 chance of experiencing violent crime per 1,000 people in Minden City. While the map may appear intuitive, it is not always easy to make this comparison.

The median home price in Minden City is $82,900. There are 424 households per thousand residents. The median home value is $104,310, and the average household size is 2.58. The median household income in Minden City is $35,962 while the average household income is $44,746. The average high school graduation rate is 78.7%. Those with less than five years of education are likely to find it difficult to get a job in this town.

The income of households in Minden City varies greatly depending on their occupations. Health care & Social Assistance is the leading industry, with 739 people employed there. Retail Trade and Educational Services are the lowest-paying sectors, with 430 people working in Minden. The highest-paying industries are Utilities, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, and Manufacturing. Minden, LA households make $24,894 a year, which is lower than the national and neighboring states.