If you're planning to visit Moapa City, Nevada, you'll want to check out the population and steets information available here. You can find out how many people live in Moapa, and where the major intersections are located. You can also use the information below to plan a trip and explore the area. You can also use the list of nearby cities to find out how far away Moapa is from other cities.
The population of Moapa City is overwhelmingly white, with a mere 1% black and 1% Asian residents. About 17.7% of residents are Hispanic, which is another factor to consider. Household income is also an important factor to consider when evaluating your target market. The median household income is $53,265 and the average is $63,590. There is a 72% high school graduation rate.
The median property value in Moapa Town, NV is $152,900, which is 0.636 times smaller than the national average. Approximately 75% of residents are homeowners. The median age is 30.5. Approximately half of the residents drive alone to work. Households own an average of 2 cars. Moapa Town is a small city with a low unemployment rate and is a great place to raise a family.
In 2006, the population was 227.3 people and 65.9% of those people were under 18. Half were married couples, with the remaining 6.0% of households composed of single people. There were 14.7% of non-families and 19.4% of individuals. Fourteen percent of residents lived alone and four percent were aged 65 and older. The average family size was 3.41 and there were a total of 273 people per hundred females.