The city of Verdi is located 15 miles east of the California border and is a mid-sized community in western Nevada. Its traditional roots as a mining, transportation, and gambling hub have given way to diverse commercial and amenity development. The city's location and favorable tax climate have contributed to its growth as a viable distribution hub. There are many reasons to consider Verdi for your next real estate investment.
The median property value in Verdi, NV was $506,800 in 2019. This was nearly two times higher than the national average of $240,500. Homeownership is a high 85.4% of the population, which is higher than the national average of 64.4%. Residents of Verdi drive alone to work, which makes commute times average at 18.1 minutes. The average car ownership rate is two per household.
The population of Verdi is 1,287. The city has an average household income of $112,511 and a poverty rate of 4.51%. The median home value is $506,800, with median rental prices of $1,491. The median age is 57.5 years, with males slightly older than females. This is an extremely safe place to live. There are a variety of things to do in Verdi.