Boscawen, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in Bocsawen City? If so, you've come to the right place! Keep reading to learn the details! Listed below are some facts about the city. These statistics may help you make the best decision for your family! The birth rate in Boscawen is 1.2%. Compared to other cities in the state, Boscawen is one of the lowest.

In Boscawen, the number of people who are foreign born is 2.2%. This is low compared to the national average and the state average. By comparison, Concord, NH has the highest percent of foreign-born residents at 8.9%. Boscawen is only a sixth the size of the United States. To learn more about the residents of Boscawen, continue reading below.

The percentage of married couples in Boscawen is 82%. The highest percentage of married couples is in the Contoocook CDP at 96%. Compared to Boscawen, Contoocook has the highest percentage of married couples, with a population that is 15.9% larger. The average family size in Boscawen is three people.

One Riverside Place is part of a renaissance in construction in the Capital Region. It's one of two housing projects in Boscawen. Red Oak Property Management is currently planning to build 12 housing units behind the Ross Express trucking company on North Main Street. The town approved this project last year and cleared the land for the development. The town plans to add 50 more units in the future.