Center Ossipee, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are the most recent Population & Steets statistics for Center Ossipee City, NH. The most recent United States census data reveals that the city has a population of 522 people. This represents a growth of over 50% since the last census. The median household income in the city is $24,575, a decrease of -5.13% from the previous year. The median age of the residents in Center Ossipee is 49.5 years. In addition, the population is composed of 7 different races.

The most common racial groups in Center Ossipee, NH are White (61%) and Black (6.2%). Native Americans (0.3%) and Asians (5.6%) comprise the rest of the population. The percentage of Center Ossipee residents living below the poverty line is lower than the national average of 64.1%. Compared to neighboring geographies, the median household income is $32,780.

The Hill District is home to the Black population. Historically, this area had a large population of Black people, but over a third of these residents lived in the Hill District. In addition, the Hill District remains a largely Black neighborhood, with 72 percent of the population identifying as Black. Its high concentration of black residents makes it a desirable area for families to raise children.

The Hill District's most common households are one-person households, while one-parent households make less than $25,000 a year. Compared to the city overall, there are more senior households in the Hill District, and single-parent households are more prevalent. Despite this, the Hill District is a poor neighborhood, and there are more seniors and single-parent households in the city.