East Wakefield, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of East Wakefield City? This information is provided for reference purposes only and should not be considered official. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or would like additional information about the city. We will be happy to help you! If you live in East Wakefield City, New Hampshire, you may be interested in seeing the Population & Steets of this area.

The population of East Wakefield is very diverse, with 305 people younger than twenty-five years of age. Of this total, 154 are male and 151 are female. The younger people will be considered the under twenty-five years old population, while the older ones will be grouped in the population of those eighteen and older. There is a population of a few hundred people over the age of sixty-five, as well.

The PUMA of Wakefield, Williamsbridge & Woodlawn, NY contains 151k people. The median age is 36.6 years old, and the median household income is $54,571. The GINI of this area is lower than the national average, and there are more people than in other areas. For example, there are more white people in Wakefield, Williamsbridge & Woodlawn, NY households than in other PUMAs.

The racial diversity of East Wakefield is reflected in the city's demographics. The racial composition of the city is based on self-identification data. The darker the color, the larger the racial population in the area. Listed below are the racial and ethnic diversity scores for this city. The area is more or less diverse if there are many people of different races living together in the same house.