Enfield, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering running a local advertising campaign in Enfield, New Hampshire, you should know its demographics. Its population is comprised of 111.9 percent white people, 0.3% black people, and 1.0% Hispanics. Enfield has a median household income of $55,687 and a high school graduation rate of 80%. To get a better understanding of the demographics of Enfield, you can check out the data below:

The population of Enfield, New Hampshire, is approximately 4,580, with 2,263 households. The median home value is $196,379. The median household size is 2.31 people. According to the 2010 census, the population is expected to increase by 3.2% over the next decade. The racial makeup of the population is comprised of 0.96 males for every one female. You can learn more about Enfield by visiting its official city website.

Enfield was once the home of Casual Corner clothing. The town was also home to a bustling gunpowder industry. In the 1800s, Scottish immigrants settled in Enfield to set up shop and begin a business in the area. Enfield's gunpowder industry was also thriving, and Colonel Augustus Hazard, a local water-power engineer, was instrumental in developing technologies and implementing water power in the area. Today, Enfield is home to several industrial parks and shopping centers.

Enfield was originally inhabited by a Podunk tribe with two villages. In 1674, land grants were issued for the town. The first settlement in Enfield took place when the Pease Brothers of Salem, Massachusetts, dug a shelter in a hillside and camped there until their families arrived. William Pynchon II owned a sawmill in the town, which burned during King Phillip's War.