Enfield Center, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To determine the population of Enfield Center City, you will need to know its approximate location. In addition, you should know that there are many neighborhoods in the center of town. However, you may find a large population in a smaller neighborhood. This is due to the fact that the center of Enfield is encroaching on a historical area. You may want to consider visiting the historical district, which is still relatively undeveloped.

Recently, the Enfield Town Board voted against an initiative to ban marijuana marketing establishments. This initiative would have required the town to revisit the matter after three months. In addition, the Enfield Town Board also approved a moratorium on new solar farm applications. Enfield hopes to squeeze more money from the future commercial solar applicants by holding the moratorium. In the meantime, residents can enjoy a relaxing atmosphere without the worry of losing their homes to solar farms.

In terms of population, the town was home to 31,1% of children under the age of 18. However, there were also 10.2% of female householders without a husband present. Additionally, there were 30,6% of households that were not families. The median age of the residents was 37 years old. The ratio of males to females was 110.2 to one. In addition, there were 9.5% of senior citizens who lived alone.