Errol, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Errol City are listed below. This is the most recent data available. You can also see historical data on the area's history. The Errol Heights Community Planning Group was founded in 1977. This group met for about three months. Its purpose was to help the county develop an Errol Heights Community Plan.

Errol is a city in the state of New Hampshire, United States. It is home to 205 people of various races. Of these people, 0.0% of residents identify themselves as Black, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaska Native. There are also 99.5% residents of different races, including women and minorities.

In 1986, the Area Boundary Commission voted to annex Errol Heights to Portland. The process was prompted by a 1978 study that found local water districts were inadequate for the area's fire needs. A recent project by the Portland Water Bureau has made improvements to water mains and fire hydrants.

Errol City is home to several subdivisions. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association is one such neighborhood. The association covers an area between SE 45th Avenue and SE 52nd Avenue. Its residents are approximately 2.4 percent of the city's total population. The area has a higher percentage of elderly people than the rest of the city.