Georges Mills, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Georges Mills City, New Hampshire, the median age was 33.5 years. There were 19,826 households, or 50.4%, with children. The rest were either single or married couples, with 39.9% being non-families. Only 7.1% were 65 years of age and over. The city had a male-to-female ratio of 48.3% to 51.7%.

Both Sunapee Village and Georges Mills have municipal water systems. The Sunapee system is compliant with the Clean Water Act, and Georges Mills has bedrock wells and a reservoir to bring the town's system up to code. In addition, electric service is available in all developed areas of town, and some residents also have telephone and cable television. There are a variety of other services in Georges Mills, including a library and fire station.