Glencliff, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Glencliff is 7,729 people. It is also a walker's paradise! Residents of Glencliff are highly recommend staying closer to downtown Nashville for convenient access to shopping, dining and entertainment. For your convenience, we have provided the following population and steets information. Just select a category to view information about a specific neighborhood. You'll find useful statistics and information on the area's demographics below.

The Glencliff, Nashville area has a large number of childcare facilities. Little Harvard Daycare, Crievewood Child Care, Kids At Work, Polly's Daycare, and Stone Urgent Care are just a few of the local options. Glencliff has several parks and playgrounds that offer children recreational facilities. For those of you looking for a fun dine-in experience, you should consider InterAsian Market & Deli.

The Glencliff city census data show that its residents are generally quite comfortable with diversity. In general, the percentage of residents with bachelor's degrees is below the state average. Compared to other areas, Glencliff residents are very accepting of people of different backgrounds and ethnicities. However, there are a number of challenges associated with diversity. Listed below are some of the issues residents of Glencliff City have to deal with.

Crime in this neighborhood is 467% higher than the national average. While police are visible and patrolling the neighborhood, crime still happens. As such, travelers should avoid walking alone at night. While cash mugging in public rides is rare, theft and assault are more prevalent. The violent crimes, however, are more common than assault or theft. The most common crimes in the Glencliff City neighborhoods are homicide and burglary.