Grafton, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the 18th century, Grafton City was part of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck. Roxborough was then its alternate name. The first settlements were not known, but a map of the manor from ca. 1765-1807 shows the first residents to be renters. Regardless of the origin of this city's population, it is a small, friendly city, filled with wonderful residents.

In terms of race, Grafton City has a population of approximately 4,000 residents. The racial makeup of the city varies by neighborhood. Areas that are near parks and recreational areas tend to have lower crime rates than areas further from these places. However, crime does happen anywhere people congregate. In Grafton, crime does happen. Therefore, residents should consider the neighborhood they're living in before making any decisions about their future.

The median household income in Grafton City is $74,911, slightly higher than the average in neighboring ZIP codes. The median price of a house in Grafton City is $145,300. The median age of residents is 42.7 years old, with males being slightly older than females. There are approximately 5,209 households in Grafton City. There are 17.7% people of Hispanic heritage living in Grafton.

The population of Grafton City is highly diverse and varied. While the percentage of people who live in poverty in the city is higher than the average, there are many individuals living in the area. One in five households is under the age of 18 years old. The remaining two-thirds of the population is between 25 and 64 years old. One in eight households is headed by a single person. There is a low percentage of vacancies in the area. In Grafton City, a nursing home and correctional facility is nearby.