Lempster, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a list of some facts about the Population & Steets in Lemphster City, New Hampshire. In the city, the number of singles is 47% lower than the state average. There are fewer than 10 people from foreign countries living in Lempster. The median house value is also below the state average. The percentage of residents who are Hispanic is lower than the state average. The number of people who are college students is below the state average.

In the town of Lempster, New Hampshire, most households are headed by a married couple, with 83%. The highest husband and wife family percentage is found in Blodgett Landing CDP, with 100%, but the area is only 20.7% larger. Lempster has a high percentage of married couples, as shown in Figure 17.

The population of Lempster City, New Hampshire is 1,179. Its median home value is $168,344 and the average household size is 2.47. The median home value is $196,600, with an appreciation rate of 6.3% over the last 10 years. In addition, the city has one school per every six residents. You can find local businesses in Lempster by checking out local Yellow Pages.

There are many ways to enjoy the scenic view of the area. Lempster Mountain offers dramatic views westward. The town and a variety of forests, farms, and streams are visible in the distance. The tall white Meetinghouse steeple in Acworth is visible from the top of Lempster Mountain. The mountains in the distance include Mount Ascutney and Mount Monadnock. Mount Sunapee is further east and the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative Foundation awarded the town $10,000 for the project.