Lochmere, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Lochmere, Cary, North Carolina, you should learn about the community's demographics and the schools in the area. Lochmere has a good community with many activities for residents and good amenities. Whether you're moving for the first time or are looking to relocate your family, this area offers something for everyone. The population is diverse, with residents of all races living close together.

Crime rates in Lochmere are calculated based on the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents. While Lochmere doesn't have many crime hotspots, it has similar crime rates as surrounding communities. As a result, crime rates are about average for the city of Lochmere and a little lower than the national average. If you're moving to Lochmere, check out the local crime map.