Meriden, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for some demographics about the Meriden City area, you've come to the right place. This city has a population of 60203. While it is not a large city, the residents are largely White, making it less diverse than other cities in the area. The average commute time to work is about 22 minutes, and people drive to and from work alone on average.

The population of Meriden City is 58,981 people, down 0.4% since the year 2020. A majority of people commute by car, but many also take the trolley bus. A majority of residents have health insurance, with 48.8% receiving employee plans and 23.2% receiving Medicaid. A further 11.3 percent of residents have non-group health insurance, while 0.7% rely on Medicare or military or VA plans.

The city of Meriden is located in New Haven County, Connecticut, and has a projected population of 59,882 by the year 2020. It is about 170 feet above sea level. Meriden is a thriving business district, with many businesses, including silverware and associated manufactures. In 1794, Samuel Yale began making pewter in Meriden. The city's historical past includes a rich history of silverware manufacturing.

The Meriden city station has 16 trains daily. Many people do not use the train as a mode of transportation, but Amtrak has inspired the state to open another commuter rail line, the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Commuter Rail Line. A new station will be constructed in Meriden for the NHSR, and the city hopes to take advantage of the commuters by developing a transit village to serve the local rail customers. By creating a transit village, the city hopes to revitalize downtown Meriden.