New Ipswich, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the past fifty years, a large number of immigrants have settled in New Ipswich. Many of these people are members of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. Other immigrants are from neighboring Massachusetts. The city's steets are lined with three-decker houses. This is a history of the city's population. Population & Steets in New Ipswich City

In 2010 the population of New Ipswich City was 181,045. This number includes 88,150 white people and 92,895 non-white residents. The population was aged between 18 and 65 years. Males and females make up the majority of the population. Females are the majority of the population, but some are of mixed race. The city's population is mostly white.

In 2000, the city's open space and recreation plan was implemented, which was more comprehensive than previous plans. The city incorporated the 2000 open space plan as an appendix to the Ipswich Community Development Plan. The plan also included a comprehensive list of public facilities. New Ipswich is located near the Massachusetts border. It is the second-most-populated city in New England, after Boston. The town is located about 40 miles west of Boston, 50 miles east of Springfield, and 40 miles north of Providence. Its official symbol is a heart.