West Swanzey, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of West Swanzey City, Kentucky are a mix of both high-income and lower-income families. Nearly 95.0% of households speak English, which is above the national average. The neighborhood's low vacancy rate suggests that demand for real estate in West Swanzey City is high. However, there is a shortage of available homes, which could drive prices up.

The most common ancestry of the population of West Swanzey is Irish, although there is a small Italian community. About 9.5% of the population is French Canadian, a significant proportion that includes many immigrants. The city is home to a large number of veterans, including those who served in the U.S. military. Despite the relatively low percentage of military personnel, residents of West Swanzey city are proud to be US citizens.

The average commute time for working residents of West Swanzey is fifteen to thirty minutes. That's less than most people commute across the nation. Nevertheless, crime and steets in West Swanzey are lower than in many other communities. For example, most residents are able to walk to work and are not subjected to a high risk of being robbed.

The highest-paying jobs in West Swanzey, NH are in the areas of Business & Finance, Health Care / Social Assistance, and Professional, Scientific, Advisory a&Research Services. However, these three occupations are not the most abundant, as many of these jobs are paid only by the highest-paid residents of the town. You can view West Swanzey, NH's median household income below.