Cape May Point, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the latest statistics about Population & Steets in CapeMay Point City, New Jersey, then you've come to the right place. You can find out all the information you need right here, including the latest census data, local business data, and much more. Just scroll down to learn more! Listed below are some of the most important statistics about this town.

The Cape May Point City, NJ, population is approximately 7,000 residents, according to the 2010 census. The city has a long, rich history of seafaring. It was first settled in 1875, and resembles Sea Grove, the original settlement. Sea Grove was a part of the temperance movement, and it was named after its founder, Alexander Whilldin. In 1875, he sold 266 acres to a group of religious and business leaders. One of these men, John Wanamaker, strongly supported prohibition of all liquor. The 275 lots quickly sold, and by 1878, the community was officially known as Cape May Point.

The Kechemeche people were part of the Lenape tribe when European colonists first landed in the area. The town is named after Dutch captain Cornelius Jacobsen Mey, who explored the area between 1611 and 1614. He made a claim to the province of New Netherland, and later New Englanders from the New Haven Colony settled the town.