Carneys Point, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Carneys Point City? If so, read this article. We'll go over the demographics of the neighborhood, as well as the crime statistics for the city. The map below provides a visual representation of the area's racial demographics. In Carneys Point, the majority racial group is the Hispanic group, followed by the African-American population. Listed below are the current racial breakdown and diversity score for Carneys Point.

Located in the northern part of New Jersey, Carneys Point, NJ, has a population of 2,065. There are only two grocery stores in the area, but these are nearby. Elbir Gross Market and Marshall Boya Bayi are some of the grocery stores that serve this community. There are a number of different internet providers in the area, including cable, wireline, satellite, terrestrial fixed wireless, and fiber. DOCSIS powered by Comcast offers 1000 mbps download speeds. Other options are available from 11 providers in the area.

Listed below are the statistics for the population of Carneys Point Township. These figures are based on the 2010 U.S. Census and are significantly higher than the New Jersey state average. The area is connected to the State of Delaware by the Delaware Memorial Bridge. This bridge connects the city to the rest of the region. This bridge connects the town to the State of Delaware. The population of Carneys Point Township is 8,049, which is up by 365 since the 2000 census and decreased by 759 from the 1990 census.