Clarksboro, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A census of population and steets data in the Clarksboro city, North Carolina, can give you some basic information about the city. The most important information to know is the percentage of residents in each age group. For example, the percentage of people who are over 25 years old means that they have a higher education level than the general population. This data is extremely useful when making important decisions about your children's future educational environments and job markets.

Crime rates for the city vary widely. Clarksboro has a low rate of robbery, which places it in the 90th percentile for safety. While 90% of cities are considered to be more dangerous than Clarksboro, robbery rates in the city are 0.05 per 1,000 residents annually. Compared to the state average, the northwestern part of Clarksboro is considered the safest part of town.

Whether you're interested in finding out the demographics of Clarksboro's residents, or are just curious about what kind of demographic information the city has, knowing its demographic data will help you make an informed decision about your local advertising strategy. Clarksboro is a predominantly white city with a low percentage of minority populations. While a small percentage of residents are Hispanic or Asian, the overall demographic data is very diverse and may be a factor in your campaign.