Fredon Township, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Fredon Township, NJ is quite diverse. In fact, it is one of the youngest townships in Sussex County, New Jersey. The township was formed from the remains of several other towns. A former dirt road known as Route 94 once ran through Fredon Township. Coursen's Corners, a village that was once located at the intersection of Phil Hardin Road and Stillwater Road, was home to a blacksmith shop and a fountain. Many travelers would stop by the Fountain House on their way between Blairstown and Newton.

The township's population was very diverse, with 26.6% of the population being younger than eighteen years old and 5.2% being 18-24. The rest of the population was aged 25-64 or over 65. The median age was 39. Approximately one out of every five residents was a woman. The township's birth rate was 7.0%. The birth rate for Fredon township was lower than the rest of the county.

The population of Fredon township has decreased by -7.7% from 2010 to 2020. The township has the lowest population density of any place in the greater region. The median age is 46.4 for both men and women. The median household size is 3.2 people. Fredon Township is the lowest density city in New Jersey. Once you consider the demographics of this township, you can find out if it is the right place for you.