Maple Shade, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of the Maple Shade township will provide you with information on its demographics, including the race and ethnicity of its population. You'll see that the township has a population that is 17.5% larger than the state of New Jersey. In addition, this map shows you the percentage of non-citizens and immigrants. The data on this page is divided by race and represents a high-level overview of Maple Shade's racial diversity.

The violent crime rate for the city of Maple Shade is 0.90 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. In fact, people consider the northwest section of the city to be the safest part of the city. However, the north portion of the city has higher rates of violent crime, with a risk of 1 in 658 residents per year, compared to one in 1,664 in the northwest part. This might seem counterintuitive, but it is true nonetheless.

The area was first settled in 1682 by the Roberts family. It developed into an agricultural town during the following centuries. During the first century, residents traveled by boat rather than land. Only in 1794 did the town build Main Street, connecting the Kings Highway and the Cooper River ferry. The new residents encouraged the division of large plantations into smaller holdings. The resulting communities had more people living on smaller plots than before.