North Cape May, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the demographic makeup of North Cape May City, NJ. The most common race is White, followed by Hispanic and Black. Among these races, the percentage of individuals living in poverty is highest among Whites (NaN%). The poverty rate in North Cape May City was 1.66% for full-time workers and 6.82% for non-workers in the past year. The most common age range for married women in the city is 35-44. Non-citizens include legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.

As of the 2010 Census, there were 3,764 people living in North Cape May City. Its median age was 54.5 years and its median household income was $60,139. The population of North Cape May has grown by 3.89% since the 2010 Census. The average household income is $74,952 and the poverty rate is 7.63%. The median rent in North Cape May is $1,217 a month, and the median house value is $239,200.

The housing stock in North Cape May City consists of single-family dwellings, and there are very few apartments. The majority of housing units in North Cape May City are older and were built before 1940. Housing units that are considered substandard must exhibit at least two of the seven factors, and they must be occupied by a low-income or moderate-income household.