Ogdensburg, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ogdensburg is a city in the state of New York. The city hall is located at its address and is open during the specified hours. There are 6 bank branches in Ogdensburg. The Community Bank, National Association is the most prominent bank in the city, and KeyBank National Association and The North Country Savings Bank also have branch offices in the city. The population is approximately 2,245 people.

According to the US census, the population of Ogdensburg was 13,572 people in 1990. It is now the 3,158th largest city in the United States. The average household size is 2.43 people. The population is growing in a diverse way, and it is located near major Canadian markets and thriving business enterprises. To get an idea of how large Ogdensburg is, take a look at the city's population and demographics.

The number of people working in Ogdensburg varies, but it is overwhelmingly white. There are 6% people who are black, and 4% are Hispanic. However, if you're looking for a job in the city, consider the amount of people who own their own home. This could influence your local advertising efforts. Fortunately, the median household income in Ogdensburg, NY is $35,764 per year, which is about 65% of the state's overall population.

While the median household income in Ogdensburg is significantly below the state average, it is above the national average. The population is comprised of a diverse mix of people. For example, the city's percentage of Hispanic people and black race residents are below the state average, and the percentage of foreign-born people is higher than the national average. The percentage of people with a college degree or higher is lower than the state average.