Pine Brook, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a summary of the population and steets of Pine Brook City, NJ. It's important to note that these statistics are based on self-reported data, so they might not represent a true representation of Pine Brook. To get a more accurate picture of Pine Brook's population and steets, visit the city's website. You'll be able to see the percentage of residents who are white, black, Hispanic, or Asian.

The population of Pine Brook is estimated at 4,855 people, down 6.9% since 2020. This is a city in Morris County. It is also part of Fairfield, NJ. In terms of economics, Pine Brook has a middle-class environment. Those who earn less than $50,000 a year make up the majority of its residents. For those who earn more than $75,000 annually, the average income is $18,848.