Rancocas, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering about the Population & Steets in Rancomas City, NJ? This article will explain to you the town's size, demographics, and other important facts. For instance, Rancocas is located near the Delaware River. It is one of the few cities in New Jersey where the river flows through the center. The area has a population of about 450.

There are approximately 2,499 residents of all races living in Rancocas, NJ. The ratio of males to females is 44.5% and 55.5%, respectively. In comparison, the state of New Jersey and the U.S. have a 50:50 ratio. However, there are a few demographic differences amongst the races. In Rancocas, the average age of males is 38 years old, while that of females is 43.

In Rancocas City, the percentage of households with children under 18 was 3.6 percent. In addition, the percentage of families with a female householder was 17.3%. Twenty-one percent of the housing units were non-family, and 28.6% were single-family units. The median size of a household was 2.64, whereas the average family size was 3.20. For a closer look at the demographics of Rancocas, NJ, check out the data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Another aspect of the population of Rancocas City that makes it stand out is the education level of its residents. A high percentage of educated people will lead to economic growth. In Rancocas, NJ, the percentage of women with higher education is slightly higher than that of men. Currently, a woman in Rancocas has a high school education while a man has a master's degree and 12.3% has a doctorate.