Sandyston, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find out the current population and steets in Sandyston City, NJ using the information below. The demographic data in Sandyston is based on census block data. You can also find out how many people commute by car, walking, or taking a trolley bus. This information is updated yearly or whenever new data becomes available. The Sandyston City, NJ demographic data may not be completely accurate, so you should always verify the information yourself.

The Sandyston City population is 57,942 and comprises a township three-fourths the size of New Jersey. It is a middle-sized town, and has a small ethnic and racial makeup. Its population is predominantly white and has a median age of 27 years. The median income in Sandyston is $51,286 per person. The average family size is 3.6 people.

The Sandyston township's population is composed of 50,831 households. The majority of households consist of married couples, with 65.0% of households consisting of two or more people. The rest are either non-families, or single individuals. Those over sixty-nine-year-old live alone in 6.3% of households. The median household size was 2.80 people, or 3.24 if the household is larger.

The Sandyston-Walpack Consolidated School District is a public school serving kindergarten through sixth grade. The school is located in Layton Township, and serves 138 students. There are 16 classroom teachers in Sandyston-Walpack Township. If you're wondering what Sandyston City's racial makeup is like, Sandyston has some ethnic diversity. You can even look up your ancestry by looking up the city's ethnic composition.