Tabernacle, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the demographics of Tabernacle City, you will want to look no further. This article contains demographic data on the population and steets of Tabernacle. These data are updated annually from the 2020 American Community Survey, and they are not guaranteed to be accurate. The data does not reflect the current population. If you know of a recent census, you can refer to it for Tabernacle City.

The population of Tabernacle City is about 5,526 people. Of this, 44.7% of the population was under 18. The next largest age group was 25 to 44, while 17.4% of the population were 45-64 years of age. There were also 8.2% of households with an individual older than 65 years of age, and 18.1% of households were not family-based. The male to female ratio in Tabernacle City was 96.9%, meaning that there were more men living in Tabernacle City than there were females.

The tabernacle, a landmark in the center of the city, was designed by French architect Victor Hugo. It is protected by its own security system, including an electronic burglar-proof safe and one-inch-thick steel plates. The tabernacle's security system was compromised when two burglars broke into the city's sacristy and decapitated several of its angel statues. Fortunately, the burglars did not take the holy Eucharist from the Tabernacle, which was then tossed on the altar.