Wallington, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The City of Wallington is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River. The climate in this city is moderate to warm with pleasant months in July, August, and September. This area is also part of the metropolitan area of New York, which includes the island of Manhattan and the eight counties immediately north. The city has a population of 11,574 people, up 3.3% from last year. There are over a dozen different zip codes that encompass Wallington.

The majority of residences in Wallington City are single-family homes, with the rest consisting of large apartment buildings. One third of the properties were constructed in the 1980s, with the rest dated before the 1960s. Almost 60 percent of residents own their own homes, and the school system is rated on a ten-point scale. The city has a high school for children, but the school is not the only factor that determines student success.