Abiquiu, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets in Abiquiu City, New Mexico, you've come to the right place. Listed below are details on the city's population and the demographics of the area. These statistics are based on data provided by the United States Census Bureau. The most recent available data are from the most recent American Community Survey. Abiquiu's median age is 64.3, and the majority of residents are female. The median house in Abiquiu is a two-person household with a median year of construction of 0 years.

Approximately 33.9% of the 18-and-old civilian population in Abiquiu is military-related. In New Mexico, the percentage of veteran citizens is 7.5%, but the number is higher in Abiquiu. While many people are war veterans, not all are actively fighting in the armed forces. That's why it's so important to understand the demographics of the community, and be prepared for the potential for conflict in any given neighborhood.

Abiquiu, NM has an estimated population of 885 residents. This figure has changed by 17.5% since the year 2020. A majority of residents live in homes that cost between $205,800 and $280,000. A home that costs more than this is considered to be "highly affordable" by most metric. The median home in Abiquiu, NM is worth $205,800, with a 6.7% annual appreciation.