Carrizozo, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how many people live in Carrizozo City, you have come to the right place. You can easily find the population and street information by visiting the website of the Carrizozo Museum. Also, you can find detailed information about the town on the Museum page. The city is located in the state of New Mexico. It is located about 50 miles from the Trinity Site, the site where the first nuclear bomb detonated. During the explosion, residents of Carrizozo felt tremors and heard the mushroom cloud. The radioactive contamination was short-lived, however, and the city is still free from radiation today.

There are many cities near Carrizozo, NM. Each of these cities has its own population and street statistics. If you are traveling, you might want to consider visiting the larger cities nearby before deciding to stay in Carrizozo. These cities have airports, and are often good for booking flights from one airport to another. Otherwise, you can go for smaller towns and find a great deal of accommodation in the area.

The population of Carrizozo is approximately 950 people. The city has an unofficial population decline of 13.1% from the year 2020 to 2024. The city has a relatively short commute time - 21.1 minutes - compared to the national average of 26.4 minutes. Its median home price is $125,100, and it has appreciated 6.8% over the past ten years. You can find the exact number of people living in Carrizozo by checking out the city's public records.