Causey, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Causei City are updated yearly according to the United States Census Bureau. In the 2020 census, the median household income was $47,824, a slightly higher level than the national average. Approximately 14.1% of residents live below the poverty line. The city is about 9.87 square miles (25.6 km2) in size.

A list of nearby cities may also be useful when planning a trip to the city. It's a great way to explore the area around Causey and see what the community has to offer. If you want, you can also search for cities that are about 4 hours away from Causey, NM.

Causey is located in Roosevelt County, New Mexico. It has a ZIP code of 88113. The USPS prefers this code over any other. The city is often called D (Default) instead of "Causey." This ZIP code was assigned because of the city's population estimate of 20,000 people by 2020.