Dona Ana, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering how many people live in Dona Ana City. Well, it's not a hard question to answer, if you know what to look for. Listed below are some statistics about this city. Don't worry, this information isn't biased, as it's based on the most recent data available. You can check out the table below to get a better idea.

In 2018, the median property value in Dona Ana County, NM was $141,700, which was 0.613 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rate in Dona Ana County, NM is 63.1%, and the percentage of people with a bachelor's degree or higher was 44.64% of residents are renters, with a median income of $40,973.

Dona Ana County, NM's population is estimated to be around 13,977 people, with an additional 12,047 residents living in the city. Primary care physicians in Dona Ana County see a total of 1576 patients per year, compared with 1609 the year before. Dentists and mental health providers see 326 patients each. The number of low-income residents is also significantly lower than neighboring counties.

Dona Ana County is named after Dona Anna Robledo, who died during the Pueblo Revolt in 1680. Dona Ana County is one of two counties in the state that bear a diacritical mark, along with Coos County. The county is located in extreme southwestern New Mexico and shares border with the Republic of Mexico, El Paso County in Texas, and Luna County, NM.