Elida, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the demographics of Elida City, Ohio, you can check out the data provided by the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. You will be able to see the percentage of people under the age of 20 living in Elida, as well as the percentage of those between the ages of sixty and seventy. You can also see the age distribution within the city, which shows that Elida ranks third in the area. The age group with the highest percentage in Elida is forty-one and older, while the age group with the lowest percentage is sixty-nine and older.

The population of Elida, OH is composed of 1.81k non-Hispanic Whites, 107 Black or African-Americans, and 52 Two+ people. The city is relatively less diverse than its neighboring towns and states, with 0.582% of residents belonging to one of the racial or ethnic groups.

Elida, Ohio, is a small town in Allen County. It is located in the Lima Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population of Elida was 1,905 at the 2010 census. While the city is primarily composed of retirees, there are also plenty of young professionals. The average household income is $82,236 per year, and the median house value is $157,000.

There are many places that have been named Elida, and the United States Postal Service calls it ELIDA. The name is used by many places in the area, from towns and villages to schools. The ZIP code for Elida is D (Default). The USPS only assigns one default name to each ZIP code.