Jal, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are some interesting statistics on the Population & Steets in JAL City, New Mexico. Jal has the largest percentage of married couples, at 72%. While there is a wide range of family structures in Jal, married couples account for a majority of households. This chart breaks down the percentage of married couples by gender, and shows that married couples represent the largest percentage of households in Jal.

The median age of people in Jal is 40.1 years old, and the median age for native-born residents is 34. Non-citizens, on the other hand, are 48.8% older than the average U.S. citizen. The median home price in Jal is $131500. If you are interested in relocating to Jal, there are several important demographic details to consider.

The percentage of foreign-born residents is above the state average. The percentage of college students is significantly lower than the state average, and the number of people with a bachelor's degree or higher is below the state average. Jal also has a lower than average percentage of people who have a high school education. The Trustees of Jal are a popular cultural attraction in the area, and their percentage of residents with a college degree is significantly lower than the average for the state.

Compared to neighboring cities, Jal has a lower rent burden than the state average. Jal renters pay only 17.6% of their income on their rental costs, whereas neighboring Plains and Smyer have lower rent burdens. The median cost of rent in Jal is $1,080/mo, which is significantly lower than the state average of $415/month. Jal's rent burden also falls below the average for New Mexico, which is 20.7%.