La Joya, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in La-Joya City, Texas are the following:

The median household income in La Joya, Texas is $28,414. This is less than the national average of $65,712. In contrast, the median household income of males is $59,050, and that of females is $45,247. The median household income in La Joya is N/A% lower than the national average, indicating a persistent income inequality problem. La Joya, TX is home to roughly 1.3k people. The largest industries are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Administrative & Waste Management Services. In terms of average income, males outnumbered females 88.7:1; and the median family size was 3.84: males were older than females.

The biggest growth was between 2000 and 2010, when the area around the river was still largely undeveloped. Joya's population was primarily agricultural, with approximately 40% forest. Shushufindi, however, saw a higher population increase and increased forest cover. The area is also home to smaller businesses, resulting in a lower overall cost of living. The city is a growing, urban and suburban community that offers both traditional and modern amenities.

The city has a relatively high proportion of new housing, including Barrio La Canada, a residential area where five units are per acre. The residential area extends up the river to downtown, with very little vacant land. Although there is a small amount of land available for development, the median home value is $389,000 and there are only a handful of vacant parcels. Nonetheless, the city has some unique features that make it a desirable place to live.